
Welcome to homepage of
SEM - Institute for Climate Change


the home page of
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Timi Ećimović,
(1941 - 2018)
Chairman for life of the SEM Institute for Climate Change,
Chairman of environmental sciences at the School of Environmental Sciences (Ansted University, British Virgin Islands and Penang, Malaysia).


I care for the people, space, nature and environment!

I care for sustainable future of humankind!

  • Sustainable future of local communities lead to global community of humankind sustainability
  • Sustainable future of global community of humankind or sustainability of humankind is harmonious complementary coexistence of humankind and the nature of the planet Earth or Biosphere
  • Transition from sustainable development to sustainable future of humankind

The books on Amazon:

The Sustainable (Development) Future of Mankind

The Sustainable (Development) Future of Mankind

Buy the Kindle edition on Amazon.com.

Year of publication: 2007

The Sustainable Future of Mankind III

The Sustainable Future of Mankind III

Buy the Kindle edition on Amazon.com.

Year of publication: 2010

Mr. Ph. Marija Alencica Djurkin Ećimović and Prof Dr. Dr. h. C. Timi Ećimović
Mr. Ph. Marija Alenčica Djurkin Ećimović and Prof Dr. Dr. h. C. Timi Ećimović, Manila, 28. November 2012