Prof. Dr. Timi Ećimović et al
Timi’s digital reference library
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The Philosophy of the Sustainable Future of Humankind”,
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Diogenes (412 – 323 BC) Greek Philosopher known about using barrel on the beach to rest between practicing speaking. Here used as presentation of the 15 Volumes of the Anthology 2. |
"The Anthology 2 – 2001 – 2014" authors Timi Ećimović and Matjaž Mulej, May 2014.
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at digital multilingual book in .pdf
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English (PDF)
"Philosophy of the Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Future of Humankind - the survival of Humanity"
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English (PDF)
"Za sonaravno trajnostno prihodnost"
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Slovene (PDF)
"Znanost, trajnostni razvoj in trajnostna sonaravna prihodnost Slovenk in Slovencev"
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Slovene (PDF)
"Filozofija sonaravne trajnostne prihodnosti človeštva"
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Slovene (PDF)
2013 and before
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The Nature and Homo sapiens Global Community
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(aug., 2010)
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English (PDF - 12,6 MB)
(aug., 2010)
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French (PDF - 12,2 MB)
Presentation at the The Nobel Prize Nomination, Physics, 2010:
(nov., 2009)
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English (PDF - 0,2 MB)
(nov., 2009)
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(nov., 2009)
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(nov., 2009)
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English (PDF - 0,6 MB)
The scientific trilogy "The Nature" by Timi Ećimović and co-authors
(authors have been nominated for Nobel price 2003)
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English - content (PDF - 2.3 MB)
English - atlas (PDF - 8.0 MB)
(The Nobel Prize nomination - physics 2007)
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English (PDF - 7,2 MB)
The Environment Theory of the Nature, The Information Theory of the Nature, and The Climate Change System Introduction
(authors have been nominated for Nobel price 2010)
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English & Slovenian (PDF - 3 MB)
The scientific trilogy "Sustainable Future of Humnkind" by Timi Ećimović and co-authors:
(Against the current abuse of free market society)
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English (PDF - 3,4 MB)
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Year of publication: 2010
Some other books authored and co-authored by Prof. Dr. Timi Ećimović:
Uvod v sistem klimatskih / podnebnih sprememb
Please feel free to download the e-book:
English & Slovenian (PDF - 1,2 MB)
Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF - 2,0 MB)
(The Climate Change System Threat)
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English (PDF - 5,4 MB)
For sustainable future of the area of Bosanska Krupa Municipality, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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English (PDF - 3.1 MB)
Bosanski (PDF - 3.2 MB)
Some articles authored and co-authored by Prof. Dr. Timi Ećimović:
(may 2008 - jan. 2009)
Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF - 0,2 MB)
(jan. - sep., 2008)
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English (PDF - 0,3 MB)
(jan. 2008)
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English (PDF - 0,2 MB)