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Prof. Dr. Timi Ećimović et al

Timi’s digital reference library


“Universal Upbringing, Education and Lifelong Learning and the Philosophy of the Sustainable Future of Humankind”,


Please feel free to download the digital book –
English (PDF)

“The Philosophy of Life 2017”,


Please feel free to download the digital book –
English (PDF)

“Philosophical Essay on Homo Technicus”,

Philosophical Essay on Homo Technicus

Please feel free to download the digital article –
English (PDF)

“The Philosophy of the true harmony in global citizenship”,


Please feel free to download the digital article –
English (PDF)

“THE NATURE 2017”,


Please feel free to download the digital book –
English (PDF)

“Universelle Bildung und Philosophie der nachhaltigen Zukunft der Menschheit”,


Please feel free to download the digital book –
German (PDF)



Please feel free to download the digital book –
English (PDF)

“CV short”,


Please feel free to download CV –
English (PDF)

“Življenjepis – skrajšana oblika”,


Please feel free to download CV –
Slovensko (PDF)


“Univerzalna vzgoja in izobraževanje in Filozofija trajnostne sonaravne prihodnosti Slovenk in Slovencev”,

Univerzalna vzgoja in izobraževanje in Filozofija trajnostne sonaravne prihodnosti Slovenk in Slovencev

Please feel free to download the book:
Slovene (PDF)

“»The Philosophy of the Citizens of the Earth XXI”,

The Philosophy of the Citizens of the Earth XXI

Please feel free to download the book:
English (PDF)

“Univerzalna vzgoja in izobraževanje in Filozofija trajnostne sonaravne prihodnosti Slovenk in Slovencev
The Philosophy of the Sustainable Future of Humankind”,


Please feel free to download the book:
English & Slovene (PDF)

“Homo sapiens Universal Upbringing, Education and Life-long Learning toward the Sustainable Future of Humankind”,

Please feel free to download the book:
Slovene (PDF)

“Philosophy of the Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Future of Humankind – the Survival of Humanity”,


Please feel free to download the book:
Slovene (PDF)


“Trajnostna prihodnost Slovenk in Slovencev”,


Please feel free to download the magazine:
Slovene (PDF)

“Nature 2015 (Anthology 3)”,

Nature 2015

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

“Nature and Social Responsibility”,

Nature and Social Responsibility

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

“Univerzalna vzgoja in izobraževanje in Filozofija trajnstne sonaravne prihodnosti Slovenk in Slovencev / Universal Education and Philosophy of the Sustainable Future of Humankind”,

Univerzalna vzgoja in izobraževanje in Filozofija trajnostne sonaravne prihodnosti Slovenk in Slovencev

Please feel free to download the e-book:
Slovensko / English (PDF)

“Applying the New Science of Networks to Planetary Agriculture – The Impact of Climate Change and Demography on food availability up to 2100”,

Applying the New Science of Networks to Planetary Agriculture

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

“Universal Education and Philosophy of the Sustainable Future of Humankind”,

Universal Education and Philosophy of the Sustainable Future of Humankind

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

“The Nature and the Requisite Holism”,

The Nature and the Requisite Holism

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)


Diogenes (412 – 323 BC) Greek Philosopher known about using barrel on the beach to rest between practicing speaking. Here used as presentation of the 15 Volumes of the Anthology 2.

"The Anthology 2 – 2001 – 2014" authors Timi Ećimović and Matjaž Mulej, May 2014.

Please click on number in circle and feel free to open, download or have a look
at digital multilingual book in .pdf

Diogenes (412 – 323 BC), Greek Philosopher barrel updated May 2014.

“C&ISR – the Individual Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Future of Humankind - a Basis for Societal Health”,

C&ISR – the Individual Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Future of Humankind - a Basis for Societal Health

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

"Philosophy of the Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Future of Humankind - the survival of Humanity"

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

"Za sonaravno trajnostno prihodnost"

Please feel free to download magazine:
Slovene (PDF)

"Znanost, trajnostni razvoj in trajnostna sonaravna prihodnost Slovenk in Slovencev"

Please feel free to download magazine:
Slovene (PDF)

"Filozofija sonaravne trajnostne prihodnosti človeštva"
Filozofija sonaravne trajnostne prihodnosti človeštva

Please feel free to download magazine:
Slovene (PDF)

2013 and before

“Urban Planing from a geographic perspective”, Mo’min M. Naser

Urban Planing from a
geographic perspective

Please feel free to download the e-book:
Arabic (PDF)

“Sustainable Future of Humankind – VI, the World Governing”, Prof. Dr. Glen T. Martin et al

Sustainable Future of Humankind – VI, the World Governing

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

“Philosophy of the Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Future of Humankind – the Survival of Humanity”

Sustainable Future of Humankind – VI, the World Governing

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

“The Sustainable Future of Humankind – IV, Xiamen, China and after”

The Sustainable Future of Humankind – IV, Xiamen, China and after

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

“The Sustainable Future of Humankind - V, the Action Plan”

The Sustainable Future of Humankind - V, the Action Plan

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

Self-destruction of Humankind due to Lack of Knowledge 1.

Self-destruction of Humankind due to Lack of Knowledge 1.

Please feel free to download the presentation:
English (PDF)

The World Thinkers' Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind

The World Thinkers' Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind

Please feel free to download the presentation:
English (PDF)

The Principia Nature 1.

The Principia Nature 1.

Please feel free to download the presentation:
English (PDF)

The Principia Nature 2

The Principia Nature 2

Please feel free to download the presentation:
English (PDF)

The Climate Change System Introduction

The Climate Change System Introduction

Please feel free to download the e-book:
Arabic & English (PDF)

The Principia nature,
The Nature and Homo sapiens Global Community

The Principia nature: The Nature and Homo sapiens Global Community

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF)

The Philosophy of the Nature

The Philosophy of the Nature

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF)

The Philosophy of the Nature, The Environment Theory of the Nature and the Law of Requisite Holism

The Philosophy of the Nature,
The Environment Theory of the Nature and the Law of Requisite Holism

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF)

The Individual Social Responsibility

The Individual Social Responsibility.jpg

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF)

The Climate Change System Introduction
(aug., 2010)

The Climate Change System

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF - 12,6 MB)

Le Systeme de changements climatiques Introduction
(aug., 2010)

Le Systeme de changements climatiques

Please feel free to download the e-book:
French (PDF - 12,2 MB)

Zum Klimawandel
(jul., 2010)

Zum klimawandel

Please feel free to download the e-book:
German (PDF - 11,9 MB)

Presentation at the The Nobel Prize Nomination, Physics, 2010:

The Environment Theory of the Nature
(nov., 2009)

Sustainable Future

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF - 0,2 MB)

(nov., 2009)

Sustainable Future

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF - 0,7 MB)

Okoljska teorija narave
(nov., 2009)

Sustainable Future

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF - 0,2 MB)

Filozofija sonaravne trajnostne prihodnosti človeštva
(nov., 2009)

Sustainable Future

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF - 0,6 MB)

The scientific trilogy "The Nature" by Timi Ećimović and co-authors

System Thinking and Climate Change System
(authors have been nominated for Nobel price 2003)

System Thinking and Climate Change System

Free download of e-book:
English - content (PDF - 2.3 MB)
English - atlas
(PDF - 8.0 MB)

The Information Theory of Nature
(The Nobel Prize nomination - physics 2007)

The Information Theory of Nature

Free download of e-book:
English (PDF - 7,2 MB)

The Three Applications of the System Thinking:
The Environment Theory of the Nature, The Information Theory of the Nature, and The Climate Change System Introduction
(authors have been nominated for Nobel price 2010)

The Three Applications of the System Thinking: The Environment Theory of the Nature, The Information Theory of the Nature, and The Climate Change System Introduction

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English & Slovenian (PDF - 3 MB)

The scientific trilogy "Sustainable Future of Humnkind" by Timi Ećimović and co-authors:

The Sustainable (Development) Future of Mankind

The Sustainable (Development) Future of Mankind

Buy the Kindle edition on

(Against the current abuse of free market society)

Sustainable Future

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF - 3,4 MB)

The Sustainable Future of Mankind III

The Sustainable Future of Mankind III

Buy the Kindle edition on

Year of publication: 2010

Some other books authored and co-authored by Prof. Dr. Timi Ećimović:

The Climate Change System - Introduction

Uvod v sistem klimatskih / podnebnih sprememb

The Climate Change System - Introduction | Uvod v sistem klimatskih/podnebnih sprememb

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English & Slovenian (PDF - 1,2 MB)

SUSTAINABLE FUTURE through Long Term Responsibility Focusing on Uncertainty – Case – and System theory – Based Approaches

Sustainable Future

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF - 2,0 MB)

Our Common Enemy
(The Climate Change System Threat)

Our Common Enemy - The climate Change System Threat

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF - 5,4 MB)

Agenda 21 - case study

For sustainable future of the area of Bosanska Krupa Municipality, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Agenda 21 - Bosanska Krupa

Please feel free to download the e-book:
English (PDF - 3.1 MB)
Bosanski (PDF - 3.2 MB)

Poeple, Nature, Space and Environment

Anthology I
SEM Institute for Climate Change

Poeple, nature, space and environment

Local Agenda 21
(Through Case Method Research and Teaching Towards a Sustainable Future)

Local Agenda 21

Slovenija včeraj - danes - jutri
Gospodarjenje z vodo
(izziv slovencem v tretjem tisočletju)

Gospodarjenje z vodo

Ekološko kmetovanje
(tudi v Sloveniji skrbimo za okolje)

Ekološko kmetovanje

Polž in polžereja
(reja na prostem)

Polž in polžereja

Some articles authored and co-authored by Prof. Dr. Timi Ećimović:

(may 2008 - jan. 2009)

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF - 0,2 MB)

(jan. - sep., 2008)

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF - 0,3 MB)

(jan. 2008)

Please feel free to download the article:
English (PDF - 0,2 MB)